grow into wellbeing

What is an Accredited
Mental Health Social Worker
"Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSWs) are recognised providers with Medicare Australia and other programs, delivering clinical social work services in mental health settings and utilising a range of evidence-based strategies.
AMHSWs work with people across the lifespan (including children, adults and older persons) and provide a unique contribution to the mental health space in their holistic approach to working with a person. The advanced training that is expected of AMHSW prepares and provides them with the skills for working with people with very complex presentations and co-morbidities. AMHSWs are highly trained and educated professionals, meeting some of the highest standards of professional regulation in Australia."
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers - AASW - Australian Association of Social Workers

Experts in Complexity
Explore & Restore's history

In 2017 I completed the extensive work to be accredited as a mental health social worker.
I began Explore & Restore Counselling and Consultation in a small office at a Lutheran church office.
Over the next years I worked from several locations and last year my fellow mental health social worker, Dr Katherine Thompson and myself moved into an office that looks out onto the Dandenong Ranges.
In my office in Mitcham, you will be offered a space that is hospitable, calm and safe.
No matter what your age, stage or issue I will aim to assist you - this will include referring you to an appropriate service if I cannot help.
Together, Katherine and I cover the life span.